Introducing The QHHT Support Forum Staff
Committed to Creating a Professional Community of Dedicated Practitioners by Bringing their Experience and Excellence to others Practicing the Cannon Method.
Candace Craw-Goldman is the Founder of the
QHHT Support Forum and currently manages the day to day operation of this growing global community. She also worked closely with Dolores and assists in teachering the Advanced Level QHHT Classes. She is the host of the Quantum Healing Information Network Youtube Channel. This is a program geared to share QHHT information with the public. Candace has an office in the Wichita, Kansas area. She has been practicing QHHT full time since 2008.
Managing Director and
Support Forum Founder
Support Forum Moderators
Moderators are experienced QHHT Practitioners who assist in Supporting Members to be true to Dolores' Method of QHHT.
Suzanne Spooner has been a Moderator since January of 2013 and practicing QHHT since 2012. She took quickly to the method and has been facilitating many wonderful sessions!
Suzanne also assists in teachinging the advanced Level classes. She has an office in Des Moines, Iowa.
Marilyn has been practicing Quantum Healing Hypnosis since 2009 and is a long time member of the Community of Dedicated Practitioners.
She joins Candace and Suzanne in moderating the Support forum in the fall of 2014. She is also a Level 3 QHHT Practitioner and assists in that program by being a Mentor for other practitioners who apply for Level 3 QHHT status.
Our Support Forum assists you after your class and keeps you in touch with the Dolores Cannon staff for Continuing Education.
Anyone who is genuinely interested in helping people can take Dolores' class and learn Quantum Healing Hypnosis. Her level one class is available ONLINE. Also, anyone who has ever taken a QHHT class is invited to join the QHHT Support Forum, which is a Professional Community of Dedicated Practitioners. It provides 24/7 support online to Practitioners worldwide. It is a wonderfully supportive and loving community and we are eager to help you stay connected with other practitioners and continue to learn even after you have finished the initial class. Even if you have never done anything like this before, you can learn QHHT.